Concerts at Kirribilli Centre

Kirribilli Concerts provide an opportunity for members to perform for a small audience, while performing gives players a goal and the incentive to practise. The concerts are organised by ACMS members.

Venue: Gallery Room, upstairs at the Kirribilli Centre, 16 Fitzroy St, Kirribilli map tel 99224428.

Time: 3:00 pm.

Entry: $15, $10 concession. Entry at the top of the eastern stairway or via the lift near the Bligh St entrance. Price includes light refreshments after the concert.

Planned Concert Programs

See below if you want to organise or perform in a program.

Date 2024 Organiser Proposed program includes Items or organiser wanted
2 March Miriam Blatt

Liebman, Grand Trio No 1

Hyde, Trio for flute, clarinet and piano

Andree, Piano quartet

18 May Ben Chan

Works by Telemann and Quantz for flute, oboe, bassoon and harpsichord

Schumann, Violin Sonata No 2 Op 121

6 July     Yes
7 September     Yes
2 November     Yes
7 December     Yes

Experienced chamber music players who have a group together have the opportunity to perform at the Kirribilli Centre (KC). The aim is to hold a concert at 3 pm in alternate months. KC volunteers provide refreshements after each concert, which amply covers the $15/$10 entry that they charge.

Travel to Kirribilli Centre

Car: parking may be difficult and time should be allowed to walk from the car to the Kirribilli Centre.

Train: Kirribilli Centre is a five minute stroll from Milsons Point Railway Station; there is a frequent rail service from Town Hall, and a fifteen minute service from the North Shore

Ferry: Milsons Point Wharf is a short walk under the Sydney Harbour Bridge to the Kirribilli Centre. There is a ferry every half hour which takes five minutes from Circular Quay and nine minutes from Balmain.

Some General Points

Programs should be prepared by the organisers, who have the option of using this template. Also see Organiser's Role

If you wish to nominate for inclusion in a program, contact the Concert Organiser.

Volunteers are always needed to be concert organiser. If you wish to organise a concert, contact Concerts Coordinator Tony Tenney (contact details in Members Area Members Listing). Advice for organisers: click on Organiser's Role. The organiser is responsible for preparing a printed program to give to members of the audience, use the template linked above. Direct inquiries about the template to Felicia Mitchell, who is also responsible for the information in the program table above. If possible, please have an electronic copy of the full program to put on the website at least two weeks prior to the date of the concert.

e-Mailing list: Keep up to date with ACMS concert announcements: Contact a committee member about joining the ACMS Concerts email list.